Care Instructions
Neurotoxins - Pre & Post Treatment Care Instructions
If you can please avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, St. John's Wort, Garlic, and other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory products 5-7 days prior to treatment. Doing this will help decrease your chance of bruising, but if the timing doesn't work out you can still receive treatment. Not stopping these medications do not prevent us from being able to treat you it just increases your risk for bruising. Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first discussing it with your prescribing provider.
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 48-72 hours before treatment to further reduce the chance of bruising.
Another way to reduce the chance of bruising is to start taking Bromaline 7-10 days before treatment. Take as directed on the bottle. Easily found at any pharmacy as an over-the-counter product.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot be treated.
Patients actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment cannot be treated. Patients must be in remission for 6 months to be treated.
Please inform your provider of any and all previous treatments, procedures or surgery medical conditions, medications you are taking, skin disorders, allergies, history of anaphylaxis, and any other medical problems.
Please inform your provider of any and all previous adverse events with previous injection treatments.
Do not participate in any strenuous exercise for a minimum of 24 hours.
Do not massage or manipulate injection sites for 24 hours.
Although unlikely, bruising may occur after injections and typically resolves within 14 days.
Allow 14 days for Botox & Dysport to fully set in before judging the final result,even though some benefits are typically seen as early as 24 - 72 hours.
Avoid makeup for 24 hours unless mineral based.
You may wash your face as usual but avoid facial brushes for the first 24 hours.
Taking Zinc 50mg (minimum) can increase the length of your neurotoxin result.
Kybella - Pre & Post Treatment Care Instructions
Please schedule your appointment to allow for up to a week of potential swelling, tenderness, and bruising.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot be treated.
Patients actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment cannot be treated. Patients must be in remission for 6 months to be treated.
If you have recently used the medication Accutane, it is recommended to postpone treatment until at least 12 months after stopping the medication.
Please inform your provider of any and all previous treatments, procedures or surgery medical conditions, medications you are taking, skin disorders, allergies, history of anaphylaxis, and any other medical problems.
If you have an active cold sore/fever blister, canker sore or shingles you will need to postpone treatment. If you are prone to developing cold sores/fever blisters or shingles, please contact us 1 week before treatment for recommendations.
Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, St. John's Wort, Garlic and other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory products 5-7 days prior to treatment. Doing this will help decrease your chance of bruising. Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first discussing it with your prescribing provider.
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 48-72 hours before treatment to reduce risk of bruising.
Another way to reduce the chance of bruising is to start taking Bromaline 7-10 days before treatment. Take as directed on the bottle. Easily found at any pharmacy as an over-the-counter product.
Tylenol will not increase the chance of bruising and is preferred for the week prior to treatment. To help with possible discomfort, you may take Tylenol one hour prior to your scheduled appointment. Do not take more than 3000mg of Tylenol in a 24 hour period.
You may not be treated if you have a history of difficulty swallowing, nerve injury, or weakness in the lower face if you are treating your chin, jawline or cheeks.
You should expect swelling, redness, tenderness to touch and numbness. You may also experience bruising and induration. This will normally last up to 7 days. For some clients mild swelling and numbness may last up to 4 weeks. Some clients will experience numbness for longer than 4 weeks. This is expected.
A small number of patient experience induration (from the needle posts) that result in a lump that you may feel when touching the treatment area. These are expected and will go away over 4- 6 weeks. They are usually not visible. They can be tender to touch.
You may ice the area post treatment. Use an ice pack, but cover it in a paper towel or another thin cloth against the skin. Apply the ice pack approximately 30 seconds on, and 30 seconds off. Icing the skin in the same spot for too long can cause frostbite, hyperpigmentation and scarring. You may apply a cold compress to the area (a frozen wash cloth) for 20 minutes per hour, and you may do this hourly for the first 24 hours.
Try to avoid participation in strenuous activity for 3 days following treatment. As it will increase swelling.
You may massage the treatment area. Recommend placing a beauty tool such as a face roller in the freezer and using that to massage for comfort and to decrease swelling.
Call the office immediately if you have any difficulty swallowing, discoloration of the skin, an area that is open, experience intense pain, uneven smile, facial muscle weakness or have any other concerns.
Dermal Fillers & Sculptra - Pre & Post Treatment Care Instructions
Please schedule your appointment to allow for several days or more of potential swelling, tenderness, and bruising.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot be treated.
Patients actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment cannot be treated. Patients must be in remission for 6 months to be treated.
If you have recently used the medication Accutane, it is recommended to postpone treatment until at least 12 months after stopping the medication.
Please inform your provider of any and all previous treatments, procedures or surgery medical conditions, medications you are taking, skin disorders, allergies, history of anaphylaxis, and any other medical problems.
If you have an active cold sore/fever blister, canker sore or shingles you will need to postpone treatment. If you are prone to developing cold sores/fever blisters or shingles, please contact us 1 week before treatment for recommendations.
Voluma, Vollure, Volbella can not be done within 2 weeks of any dental work, dental cleaning or recent vaccine administration.
Avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, St. John's Wort, Garlic and other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory products 5-7 days prior to treatment. Doing this will help decrease your chance of bruising, but if timing doesn't work out you can still receive treatment. Not stopping these medications do not prevent us from being able to treat you it just increases your risk for bruising. Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first discussing it with your prescribing provider.
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 48-72 hours before treatment to reduce risk of bruising.
Another way to reduce the chance of bruising is to start taking Bromaline 7-10 days before treatment. Take as directed on the bottle. Easily found at any pharmacy as an over-the-counter product.
If you are receiving dermal filler placed to your tear trough and/or lips please take an antihistamine (Claritin, Zyrtec, or Loratadine) for 3 days prior to treatment to help reduce post-treatment swelling.
Tylenol will not increase the chance of bruising and is preferred for the week prior to treatment. To help with possible discomfort, you may take Tylenol one hour prior to your scheduled appointment. Do not take more than 3000mg of Tylenol in a 24 hour period.
To reduce the risk of bruising, consider taking over-the-counter Arnica tablets, if it is not contraindicated with your current medication regimen. Arnica is available online, at most supplement stores, as well as Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, Amazon etc. Start taking oral Arnica after your treatment. Take as directed on the bottle for 3-5 days or as long as bruising is present.
You might have some redness and swelling that should resolve within several days. Bruising may occur, and may last up to 14 days. Cold compresses/ice may be used immediately after treatment to reduce swelling and for comfort. The use of Antihistamines will assist more is reducing swelling.
If you received dermal filler to your tear trough and/or lips continue take an antihistamine (Claritin, Zyrtec, or Loratadine) for 3 days post treatment to help reduce post-treatment swelling.
Undereyes can swell more than other areas. This swelling and bruising may last several days and up to 4 weeks.
Do not manipulate, push, or rub injection sites within the first 72 hours. Specifically for lip injections, begin gentle massage to lips on day 3 if lumps or bumps can be felt. Give these 4-6 weeks to fully heal as they may be a result of bruising or induration vs product. If you received SCULPTRA disregard it.
Exercise should be avoided within the first 24-72 hours as it may increase swelling and bruising.
If you received SCULPTRA you DO massage the treated areas 5 times a day, for 5 minutes, and for 5 days after treatment. If you are having your buttocks treated we encourage you to work out and/or walk as much as possible as the continued movement mimics the same benefits as the massage.
With Sculptra or Hyaluronic Acid filler to your temples or jawline, you may have temporary tenderness to your jaw and soreness while chewing or opening your mouth. This is expected and may last for several days. If needed, you may take Tylenol to help with possible discomfort. Do not take more than 3000mg of Tylenol in a 24-hour period.
If you received Sculptra, a few days after treatment, you will look as you did before treatment. This is normal, over time, Sculptra will replace lost collagen. It takes the body 6-8 weeks to form new collagen.
Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours (except with treatment to buttocks).
You may wear make up 24 hours after your treatment.
Call our office immediately if you notice blanching (whitening of the skin), experience intense pain or have any other concerns.
Yes, fillers can be reversed. There is an enzyme called hyaluronidase that can be injected to break down hyaluronic acid fillers, effectively reversing their effects. This procedure should be performed by a qualified injector to ensure safety and optimal results. It's important to note that not all types of fillers are reversible, so it's crucial to discuss this option with your injector during the consultation. If you have any concerns or are unhappy with the results of your filler treatment, our experienced team can discuss the possibility of using hyaluronidase to dissolve the filler and help you achieve your desired outcome.
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